Sunday, August 31, 2008


my good friend Austin Wilson had his farewell today! he did such an awesome job on his talk, that boy impresses me! he has come such a long way in the past year! and I can honestly say that his testimony in the gospel is one of the most raw and honest I have ever heard. He is going to be a great missionary and teach the saints in Calgary, Canada! I am excited to hear about the great things that I know he will accomplish over the next two years!
so when I got home from Austins farewell I decided that I needed to write all the missionaries that I knew out in the field right now and let them know what a great thing they were doing! my wrist hurt so bad after all that writting, but I feel like I got alot accomplished! I needed to write those missionaries for a long time... im such a procrastinator! oh well, better late than never!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

family pictures...

the holdings
me and casey
whole family
whole family
granparents and grandkids

our family
me and my momma
the boys
we are a good looking family!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School... and other stuff

has been pretty good so far... my history class is even earlier than I wrote in my last post... its not at 8:30 its at 8:00! and then I have my intro to music class right after that one... it is so hard to stay awake in that class. Maybe if I wasnt tone deaf I could appreciate the class a little bit more, but thanks to my parents I recieved NO musical talent, whatsoever, thanks.
Drill is also going good. there are a girls on the team who arent liking the conditioning that we are doing, which suprises me because last practice when we ran out on the track, I didnt even break a sweat! I felt like I was being so easy on them. Oh well, guess they will have to keep running on their own time so that they can handle the running in practice.
funny story: when I was going to my history class this morning I definately must have still been half asleep because I went to open the door to the social sciences building, and it seemed SO HEAVY! I must have looked like I was struggling pretty hard to poen the door because a boy that was behind me asked if I was ok!?!! I am pathetic sometimes!
PS... NICOLE... remember that boy whose car you hit? he is in my music class... I was laughing so hard when he walked in!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

back to school...

Yesterday was my first day of school...

I had
aerobics: 9:30
modern dance: 1:00
math: 2:30

everything went pretty good... my classes all seem fun and interesting.. so I was ready for my second day...

I had
government: 8:30
music: 9:30
drill 4:30

8:30!!!!!!!! what was I thinking!! It was not fun waking up that early, especially when people showed up knocking on my bedroom door at one in the morning!! oh my!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

more of NYC

I forgot I was supposed to post more pictures of new york! so here some are!
the first one is my grandma and i eating lunch at the olive garden in times square.
the second one is me and keri at the carnagie deli.
third is me and my momma on the boat on the fourth of july going to watch the macys firework show... can you tell i was sooooo seasick? lol
the fourth one is me and kaitlyn looking smart with a wa statue of einstein at madame tuseuds wax museum.
and the last one is me with times square in the background.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

sexy runs in the family...

we are definately a cool brother and sister.
no doubt about it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

drill camp!

drill camp this year was so fun! the team all gets along really well, so far, which is a good sign! onthe first day of camp there was a big earthquake! it was the scariest thing ive ever experienced! lol... im such a wimp! the one last year in ephraim was like a 2.1 or something and this one was a 5.8! kind of scary if you ask me! but the rest of camp was so much fun! we learned lots of cute dances and everyone did so good! im excited to get the year started!